Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH)
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH)
- Social Difficulties
- Mental health conditions
- Emotional difficulties
Type of support/provision made at Farne Primary School:
Farne provides excellent pastoral care for all pupils and support from our Family Support Officer.
All staff provide clear expectations and is based on encouraging pupils to make positive decisions about behavioural choices.
Our behaviour policy identifies where reasonable adjustments or changes can be made to support children with specific needs, this ensures the need for exclusions are kept to a minimum.
We use risk assessments and take action to ensure the safety and inclusion of all pupils in all activities.
We have a Mental Health Lead in school who monitors and provides targeted support for specific children.
We have a school counsellor who works with specific children one day a week.
We have a family support worker who works with children and families and can signpost to external avenues of support.
We use small-group or 1:1 targeted support to improve social skills, self esteem and emotional resilience.
'Zones of Regulation' is used to support children learning about their emotions and how to self-regulate.
Breakout spaces are available for children who need time to regulate outside of the classroom.
Residential trips which help to develop social, emotional and behavioural resilience and promote independence.
We offer every class Forest School sessions which promotes outdoor learning and supports pupils wellbeing.
We provide support and appropriate access arrangements for statutory assessments.
We seek support from outside agencies such as the School Health Advisor, Children and Young People’s Service (CYPS), SEMH specialists and Educational Psychologist.
We have staff who are trained to deliver ‘Lego therapy’ sessions to promote social and communication skills.
Please see our Anti-bullying Policy and Behaviour Policy for further information.
Updated September 2024
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, the children expressed themselves in different ways.
Children expressed what they are grateful for.