Attendance Targets and Initiatives
Attendance Statistics: Our School Attendance Target remains at 96% this year.
Attendance continues to be a priority for our school and is in our School Development Plan.
As attendance is high profile, Mrs Trisha Ord has been into the school yards with me on occasions, prior to school starting to meet parents and carers. Our school notice boards and our school website also inform parents and carers about current attendance figures for each class as well as the whole school.
I continue to hold weekly attendance assemblies, where pupils are told their class attendance. The three classes with the best attendance are awarded the Gold, Silver and Bronze attendance Stars. They keep their attendance star in their classroom until the following week. The Attendance Stars are also displayed in the school foyer, with the winning class named on each star.
We also have a whole school Attendance Display, featuring class ‘Puffins' in the main school entrance. This display gives pupils a ‘visual’ impact of their attendance as the buses move towards our school, in time for the bell!
In brief – ways in which Farne promotes good school attendance:
- Weekly assembly with Attendance Stars
- First day response (Val in the office calls when a child does not present at school)
- School display
- Whole School Attendance outlined in Newsletters home and on our website
- Mrs. Ord – robustly following up any absence
- SLA attendance officers Michelle – following up any issues and concerns
- Attendance is in our School Development Plan
- High target of 96% for attendance
- Parental leaflets show the effects of high and low attendance rates at school.
- Attendance charts are on our school notice boards
- All holidays remain unauthorised
- Doctors, dental and medical appointments held outside of school hours (unless consultancy appointments)
- Parents/carers must show their appointment/consultancy letters if pupils need to leave early from school.
Please see our attendance information leaflet by downloading it below.