At Farne Primary School, we strive to enthuse, inspire and engage the next generation of scientists through a challenging, explorative and practical science curriculum which offers frequent opportunities for scientific enquiry and discovery.
The science curriculum has three important elements; the first is about increasing pupils’ knowledge and conceptual understanding of our world, the second is about developing the skills of scientific enquiry and the third is for children to question and discuss science-based issues that may affect their own lives, the directions of society and the future of the world, encouraging and supporting the development of science capital.
It is our intention to provide children with solid foundations in biology, chemistry and physics and to ensure that we give the teaching and learning of Science high prominence so that they are prepared for their next steps in learning as scientifically informed citizens.
Ultimately, our curriculum will help children to gain an insight into how the past shapes the future and recognise the advances that could be made within their lifetime and beyond; our curriculum allows students to appreciate the vastness of the universe and the idea that there are still many unknowns for humankind to discover.
See how our Curriculum Drivers help to guide our Science Curriculum.
At Farne, we believe that science is inclusive and fosters curiosity in all children. We want children to experience and observe natural phenomena, looking closely at the natural and humanly constructed world around them. We aim to promote respect for living organisms and the natural environment by highlighting science in the local environment, demonstrating that from the fascinatingly complex to the wonderfully simple; science is all around us! By teaching ‘reactively' using current affairs, our children will develop an awareness of how scientists work collaboratively, across the globe, to solve current key issues such as coronavirus and climate change.
Science is vital to the world’s prosperity. Our pupils will understand how major scientific ideas and specific scientists in the past have contributed towards societal change – impacting on industry, medicine, business and improving quality of life. By implementing an inclusive, progressive, creative and inspiring curriculum with real-life links, we ensure children have a meaningful conceptual understanding of the essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science and possible future career paths.
It is our intention to encourage our children to have natural curiosity and inquisitive minds and to develop the skills needed to find answers to their own questions using an appropriate process of enquiry. Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils should be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. They should be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.
Our Science subject lead is Mrs S Bennison.
If you have any questions about our Science curriculum, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Take a look at our photo story below.
See us working scientifically, investigating scientific principles and developing our understanding of how to carry out a fair test.
Science Photo Story