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Farne Primary School home page

Welcome to


Primary School




At Farne, we are  very proud of our curriculum and the opportunities we provide for all of our children. We work hard to ensure the curriculum is broad and balanced and allows all children to know success and achievement. Nurturing our children to ensure they are happy and supported is a priority for us and we have a dedicated PSHCE programme and strong school ethos to ensure we value the whole child.  


Our curriculum drivers underpin our shared belief that our role is to support children in aspiring to achieve, ensuring every child becomes a confident individual, successful learner and a responsible citizen. 


We strongly believe it is our responsibility to show children that there is a world of possibility awaiting them, outside of the school gates. 


Our Curriculum Drivers below are the foundational themes that form the backbone of every child's educational journey during their time at Farne. They serve as the golden thread running through our curriculum, ensuring every facet of learning contributes to our core goals: nurturing confident individuals, empowering successful learners and shaping responsible citizens. These drivers create a unified and purposeful educational experience, enabling our children to thrive. 


Click below to find out more about our curriculum's guiding themes.





To look more closely at our Curriculum Intent, please click on the link below. 




If you would like to see more information about how we develop Cultural Capital at Farne, please click on the link below.


Make Your Dreams Come True Day 2024


Being Our Best   •   Bring Out Your Brilliance