Parents as Partners
At Farne Primary School we recognise that working in partnership with parents and carers is central to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Throughout your child’s time at Farne Primary School we will work closely with you to ensure your child has the best start to their learning journey.
We recognise that parents/carers are children’s first and most enduring educators. When parents/carers and practitioners work together in early years’ settings, the results have a positive impact on children’s development and learning. A successful partnership is one which develops a two-way flow of information and knowledge.
Seesaw App
Throughout your child’s time in Nursery and Reception we will be creating an online record of some of your child’s ‘WOW’ moments. A ‘Wow moment’ is when a child achieves something they haven’t previously been able to do. These moments will be shared through the Seesaw app.
We will also post regular updates sharing the different learning opportunities that we have had so that you can talk about these with your child. Parents can also post photos and videos from home too.
Useful documents and Information
Useful Websites
- Advice for potty and toilet training: Potty training: how to start & best age to potty train - ERIC
- Advice for potty and toilet training NHS: How to potty train - NHS (
- Advice on child and language development:
- Advice about literacy development: Parents and families | National Literacy Trust
- Early Years Resources to use at home: Early years resources to use at home - BBC Bitesize
Packed lunch ideas: Lunchbox ideas and recipes – Healthier Families - NHS (