SEND Information
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information
Farne Primary School is a fully inclusive school.
At Farne we pride ourselves on being a warm, welcoming and happy place to be; the motto of our school ‘Bring Out Your Brilliance’ is key at Farne. We expect excellent behaviour, kindness, and respect and good manners from our children – and in return we promise to give each and every one of our children an excellent education, within a small, caring school community. Our school is a primary academy and is part of SMART Multi Academy Trust. The Smart Multi Academy Trust SENDCos share expertise and resources across the Trust. Where we find that additional expertise, equipment or facilities are required, we work with relevant partner organisations and external agencies to secure them. This could include social service providers, such as health professionals, the Local Authority, and voluntary organisation specialists as we maintain strong professional relationships with all of these partners.
Although basic skills form the core of our curriculum we believe that all children need a broad and balanced curriculum which is memorable, creative, and meaningful and engages all learners. The curriculum is broad and balanced which will enable pupils to develop spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of learning. All staff, pupils and governors at Farne embrace opportunities to strengthen our school community and improve outcomes for all pupils.
Farne Primary School operates its SEND provision in line with Newcastle Local Authority’s SEN and disabilities policies and procedures. To access more information in relation to this view Newcastle Local Authority’s Local Offer.
Concerns or complaints
If you have any concerns about your child’s SEND progress or provision we would urge you to come into school and discuss matters further with your child’s class teacher or the our
SENDCO, Ms. Thompson, by email or phone on 0191 2860268.
Alternatively, Mr Gallon, Mr Dixon or Miss Jewers are also available to help. Although we would always hope to resolve any issues or concerns informally by working in partnership with parents, school complaints procedures are in place.
Updated September 2024