Smart Multi-Academy Trust Company Information
SMART Company Information
Useful SMART Company Information
SMART Multi Academy Trust is an exempt charity and company limited by guarantee registered in England with company number 10257723. The company's registered office is Wyndham Primary School, Montagu Avenue, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4SB.
Telephone number 0191 255 5391
The name of the MAT's Chief Executive Officer is Mr. Colin Lofthouse
The name and correspondence address for the Chair of Trustees
Alexander Christie, Chair of Trustees- SMART Multi Academy Trust, c/o Wyndham Primary School, Montagu Avenue. Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4SB.
Smart Multi-Academy Trust Privacy Notices available here.
Smart Multi-Academy Trust Audited Accounts available here.
Smart Multi-Academy Trust gender pay-gap reporting available here.