British Values
We are a caring school with a strong and proud heritage. At Farne Primary School we believe that children should be proud of their achievements, successes and individuality. Our vision and core values should always be at the heart of everything that we do.
We all have rights and responsibilities. Everyone at Farne Primary School has the right to be treated with fairness and respect, to be listened to and to be safe and happy.
The Government has stated that all schools have a clear responsibility to promote the fundamental British values of:
- democracy,
- the rule of law,
- individual liberty
- mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
As part of the Prevent Strategy schools have a clear responsibility in helping to combat extremism.
At Farne Primary School we take these responsibilities seriously. At Farne Primary School everyone has the responsibility to help our pupils to grow into confident, caring and responsible young citizens both within school and the wider community.
By learning about their rights and responsibilities, children gain an understanding of the importance of respecting the rights and responsibilities of others. As such the promotion of Children’s Rights and ‘British Values’ are an intrinsic part of our ethos and school culture, where pupils are encouraged to reflect upon how their choices, behaviours and actions affect those around them.
Our children have the freedom to make choices. We hold democratic elections for different pupil committees such as Sports Ambassadors and School Council representatives. Senior leaders regularly talk to our children about aspects of their learning and school life, such as literacy and safety, well being and behaviour.
The Rule of Law
School teaches children that everyone -children and adults- are to be given respect. As a school we have clear rules and children understand that these link directly to our values and principles. Children are directly supported to understand that there are responsibilities that come with the rule of law, which is there to protect themselves and others. Visits from and links with authorities such as the Police and Fire Service help to reinforce important messages.
Individual Liberty
At Farne Primary School we have an inclusive approach where all children are recognised as individuals and their individual potential is 'grown'. Pupils should always be supported to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence. We encourage children to take responsibility for the choices that they make e.g. behaviour choices, as well as knowing their rights and responsibilities. At our school everyone has the right to be listened to and to be treated with fairness and respect.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance
Assemblies and collective worship teaches respect for all. RE lessons and themed days teach children about other faiths, culture and traditions, such as St. George's Day, Diwali and Chinese New Year. PSHCE is an important part of our curriculum. We support schools in both Gambia and Spain which helps to support a culture of mutual respect and tolerance, beyond our school and locality. Curriculum topics/themes encourage the celebration of similarities and differences.
As a school we mark and celebrate local, regional, national celebrations and events such as: Remembrance Day, Queen's Diamond Jubilee, London Olympics 2012, Battle of Waterloo, St George's Day, Diwali, Chinese New Year and our annual carol service at St Wilfred's Church.
As a school we provide children and our community with clear opportunities to make a positive contribution through direct involvement in charitable activities such as: The Soup Kitchen, Children in Need, MacMillan Coffee Mornings, Save the Children Christmas Jumper Appeal and Daft as a Brush.
As a school we actively seek to strengthen our partnerships within the community through community events, such as harvest day lunch, after school events and building links with local community action groups and local schools through the Peterlee Partnership.
Combatting Extremism
We ensure that partisan political views are not promoted in the teaching of any subject in school. Where political issues are brought to the attention of pupils, reasonably practical steps will be taken to offer a balanced presentation of opposing views to pupils.
Stereotypes based perhaps upon gender, religion, race or sexuality can be challenged through SMSC/PSHCE work, assemblies and curriculum work including literacy and cross curricular texts and also by means of appropriate discussions and general interactions with children. Staff act as responsible, positive role models.
Staff are required to be vigilant to the possibility of children accessing or sharing materials likely to promote extreme views. Such materials may be paper-based or computer based. Staff will always bring any materials and/or concerns to the attention of the Head Teacher or in his absence, the Deputy Head Teacher, who will act upon information appropriately. All school staff have undertaken PREVENT training (September 2022).